Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hope for an English release of the Valkyria Chronicles 3 Artbook?

Now that the Valkyria Chronicles 2 artbook has been released I decided to go ahead and email UDON about whether or not a release of the VC3 artbook would be possible. Although the response I received was far from a guarantee, it does provide a ray of hope for the fans that would like to see it released in English. UDON is very interested in releasing the VC3 book, but whether or not it will be possible for them to do so is going to depend largely on the sales of the recently released Valkyria Chronicles 2: World Artworks. If sales of the VC2 artbook are much lower than those of the VC1 book then it will be impossible for them to release the VC3 book.

For fans of the series that are unable to read Japanese, this is the perfect opportunity to learn about VC3's story since the artbooks contain a wealth of story information in addition to the breathtaking VC art that we all know and love. An English release of the VC3 artbook would be a huge step toward reigniting the series' weakening fanbase outside of Japan. If the artbook sold well despite the game not being release outside of Japan, it would send a strong message to Sega that they should continue to support the series worldwide. But in order for us to send that message we need UDON to release the VC3. So if you haven't purchased the VC2 artbook yet, please be sure to do so and to spread the word to everyone else. Here is a link to it on Amazon


  1. "If sales of the VC2 artbook are much lower than those of the VC1 book then it will be impossible for them to release the VC3 book. "

    I don't know if the sales are going to be much lower, but lower for sure, the second games is not as popular, I hope UDON has realistic expectations.

    1. I believe their expectations for the VC2 book's sales are realistic. To quote a bit from the email:

      "A lot of it is going to depend on how our VC2 book does--VC2 was a smaller-selling game than 1, and 3 is unreleased. If we see a huge downward trend on sales between 1 and 2, it will make doing 3 impossible."

    2. Good then, let's hope it sells well, for our sake.

  2. Serenade_King: I already bought two of each artbook, so you (yes you!, the one reading this message >_<) better buy the VC2 artbook so we get the third one.

    I love Raita's artwork and I only need two more PSP games to officially finish my PSP collection: Digimon World: Re-Digitized and Valkyria Chronicles 3, so anything I'm able to do to rise the chances of getting those games I will do.

  3. I've bought two of the first and one of the second. Considering buying another VCII one seeing as its half price on amazon.
